Hungarian kitchen

Hungarian or Magyar cuisine is the cuisine characteristic of the nation of Hungary and its primary ethnic group, the Magyars. Traditional Hungarian dishes are primarily based on meats, seasonal vegetables, fruits, fresh bread and cheeses.Below are some of the typical hungarian dishes I won't list them all you can find them in the file if you download them.

Typical Hungarian dishes:


-Gulyásleves (goulash soup; it is possible to cook gulyás like a stew as well, for example Székelygulyás)
-Halászlé (a famous hot and spicy fish soup with hot paprika)
-Húsleves (clear chicken (or veal meat) soup with soup vegetables and thin soup pasta called csipetke)
-Hideg meggyleves(chilled sour-cherry soup)

2.Main courses

-Chicken paprikash called Csirkepaprikás (a stew with a lot of sweet paprika, cream or sour cream called tejföl)
-Császármorzsa (sweet crepe crumbs)
-Főzelék (thick vegetable stew)
-Székelygulyás (Goulash stew; can be made from three kinds of meat and sauerkraut)
-Lecsó (mixed vegetable stew, made of tomato and paprika, somewhat similar to ratatouille)

3.Sausage and cold cut:

-Téliszalámi - (or Winter salami, salami made of spiced meat, cold smoked, and dry ripened, the most famous brand made by Pick Szeged)
-Csabai szalámi and kolbász (spicy salami and smoked sausage, made in the town of Békéscsaba)

4.Sweets and cakes:

-Linzer torta (a tart with crisscross design of pastry strips on top)
-Rigó Jancsi (Cube-shaped sponge cake with dark chocolate glaze)
-Gesztenyepüré (cooked and mashed sweet chestnuts with sugar and rum, topped with whipped cream)
-Bejgli (cake roll eaten at Christmas and Easter)
-Kürtőskalács Stove cake or Chimney cake, cooked over an open fire — a Transylvanian specialty, famous as Hungary's oldest pastry


-Lángos (fried bread dough)
-Pogácsa (a type of bun, round puffed pastry with bacon, traditionally cooked on the fire)
-Zsemle (round small breads, eaten cut in half, with butter, cold cuts or jam, often for breakfast)
-Fánk or Bismarck Doughnuts
-Kifli  (crescent-shaped pastry)